
If you would like to contact Brand New Bathrooms, then there are several ways to do so.

You can write to us at our Head Office address:
Brand New Bathrooms, C/O Chipchase Manners, 384 Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS5 6HA

You can call us on 0333 0908834
Please note, all of our calls are recorded for training purposes.

Telephone Lines are open between Monday and Friday during the hours 9am to 5pm

We also offer a weekend/evening call back service, so if you would like to speak to us, drop us an email with this request, stating what times/days would be good for you, and we will book in a call via email at a time mutually convenient.

Or you can simply fill in the contact form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact form